A group where you can feel freed to talk about The Paranormal...away from
the relatives, spouses, and nay sayers....and feel comfortable that you
are not the only one who knows about these things. UFO past and
present, Spirituality, Megaliths, Stone Circles, Magic, Pleiadian,
Contactee, Adamski, Paranormal, Spirits, Ghosts, Dowsing, Photography,
Video, Conspiracy, Howard Menger, ufo video, footage, orbs, past life,
masters of the far east, ethereal, mediums, medium, channeler, witness,
spiritualism, psychic. And any other weird or informative subject that
comes up to help explain our experience here on this planet and
incarnation. We are not alone and have not ever been alone but you cant
put proof of this in a test tube and pass the tests of the Gate Keepers
who try and shield you from reality with their own reality. We are
beyond this ... waiting for the Scientists, Religionists, and Skeptics
to give their approval. We have Inquiring Minds and Truth is wherever
you find it. We are not waiting for the Government, our own families, or
the Religions to dispense truth any more. We are boldly striking out on
our own. No Agro allowed in this group and troublemakers will be
Sites are FREE SPEECH which Facebook is not anymore...These are so far.
Most are building up. Mewe has the most UFO Inquiring Minds members and
is a good place to share information. Post on your choice of these:
https://rumble.com/v60kqsk-do-ets-have-the-cure-for-cancer.html Do ETs Have the Cure for Cancer? Do ETs Have the Cure for Cancer? The
answer appears to be, yes! In fact, there are more than thirty
documented cases of people who claim to have been cured of cancer by
extraterrestrials. Even more astonishing is that several contactees have
been given information about the causes of cancer and how to cure it.
As these cases show, ETs have incredible healing abilities and knowledge
when it comes to healing people of cancer.
https://youtu.be/VxyVAqrJg0I ETs: Trouble Entering Human Bodies with Dr. Linda Backman | Regina Meredith
https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=675c9ea387d32b4d0664267e BREAKING: Elon Musk Warns That Massive Drone Swarm Wars Are Coming
Mars & Beyond 3 - Stuck in the Mud - Sri Sunkara
Discover the profound revelations of our cosmic origins as Sri Sunkara narrates "Mars and Beyond". This video uncovers suppressed evidence, tracing humanity's ancestral connections to Mars and beyond. Explore the groundbreaking discoveries of water and minerals on Mars, the implications of lost civilizations predating Earth, and the mysteries withheld from public view. With insightful commentary and spiritual depth, this narration challenges us to embrace the truth of our evolutionary journey across the stars. A must-watch for seekers of knowledge and Spiritual enlightenment. Bakground Music & Video Production by @starshaforshanti
The Lost Century | Full Documentary
https://youtu.be/LLF3PWieN_8 A hundred years of secrecy has cost humanity hundreds of years of spiritual, cultural, and technological development. Cast: Dr. Steven Greer, Fred Durst, Tom Beardon Director: Michael Mazzola
https://www.youtube.com/live/r1qvWy_OGWc Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes back Stephen Bassett, pioneering and influential UFO researcher and disclosure advocate. Stephen has spoken to audiences in 20 countries about the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena and Disclosure - the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is co-founder of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance and executive director of Paradigm Research Group, a 501c3 non-profit providing education, consulting, analysis, and political activism for a post-Disclosure world. His advocacy work has been well covered by national and international media including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Washington Post and New York Times. Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube. In 2013 PRG organized and conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two-year political initiative out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. In December 2023, Steve Co-Founded The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance in Los Angeles, a new, media-centric organization aiming to align those working within the UAP/ET research arena with writers/directors/producers working across every facet of the global entertainment industry. PRG recently launched an activist project - Shift Storm - seeking UAP hearings as soon as possible before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Tonight, Stephen will discuss the latest developments of the ongoing Congressional hearings and movements towards ending the truth embargo on the subject of UFOs and UAPS.
Current State of Ufology - Preston Dennett, Dolly Safran, Coley & Typical Skeptic
Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal.
ECETI News 11/3/24
Taking back control in the days to come.
If you have not figured it out by now this election is all about God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Beautiful Many servants thereof and Satanic/Luciferians who are connected to what some call Satan/Lucifer, demons, royal reptilians, reptilians, factions of greys and other malevolent ETs including fallen astral beings, humans stuck in the lower levels of the 4th dimension. The servants of God include multidimensional beings, some Godlike, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, the greater family of man/woman up to the 13th dimension all adhering to Universal Law. Remember the word God or Elohim is plural so there are the bearded gods and goddesses in ancient history and the absolute. They all exist within the absolute, the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness, the multidimensional unified field of consciousness and energy in which we all reside. As one expands in consciousness, ignites the God spark within all of us, into the full flame one realizes to continue this expansion and experience more love, joy, power and wisdom one must adhere to Universal Law. Universal Law is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Acting outside of Universal Law diminishes access to love, joy, bliss the higher frequencies, diminishes one’s power and creates Karma. You cannot take these emotions and abilities by force, you acquire them by surrendering to the God within, making your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection. This is what all the true masters, saints and sages taught. You can acquire some abilities through darker forces yet these abilities come with a price. Just as amassing great wealth at the expense of humanity and the earth creates Karma, a reaction to your actions. Unfortunately those who lust for power over others, wealth, fame and fortune usually turn to these darker forces. This is what you are seeing unfold in today's elections. Everything will be revealed. The motives and true agendas will all be revealed. The influx of higher consciousness and energy is revealing everything, the masks are all coming off, everyone will be exposed for who they really are, what they have done and their true agendas.
If you apply this knowledge to the election in general and know your history this will all come to light. The Republicans are aligned with the Republic where the power rests in the people, the individual insured by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Throughout history minus a few hiccups and corrupt politicians the Republicans were the champions of the common man, they freed the slaves, insured their rights, as a whole they fought to end discrimination and again insure the power stayed with the people as individuals with individual rights. The Democrats were actually the party of the Klu Klux Clan, have made promises to the poor, people of color, demonized the Republicans accusing them of what they have done and are now still doing. Keeping everyone on the plantation. Sick, poor and stupid. Look at the obvious, most blue states have a serious class separation problem, high poverty levels, higher taxes, higher crime rates with diminished services to the people. Some states and cities have fallen below 3rd world countries. Kennedy was the last democratic president that was truly for the people, all the people. Most democrats capable of critical thinking, of high integrity and morals have figured this out. That is why so many are changing parties. There is a long list of democrats from the highest levels switching parties because they can no longer live the lie. We are not a democracy. We are a republic usurped by the global elite using social engineering to create mob rule using fear and deception tactics to control the gullible masses.
Look at the billions flowing into the democratic party. Much is coming from foreign nations, some hostile. Billionaire eugenicists, Cartels, Drug and Child Traffickers, Pedophiles, the Epstein Diddy crowd. Many of the Hollywood stars and musicians promoting Kamala and Kamala herself have strong ties with Diddy, Epstein and others. They might as well make a poster, Hostile Foreign Governments, Billionaire Eugenicists, Cartels, Drug and Child Traffickers, Murderers and Rapists for Kamala. None of these people have the highest and best interest in mind for Americans no matter what religion, culture, race or gender. They have been very clear about their depopulation plans which have no boundaries. This is where the billions are coming from flooding into the democratic party and the Kamala run for president. Do you know why so many democrats are scared, fear for their lives? Because they all have been a part of the election interference, despicable acts, corruption, child and drug trafficking, pedophilia, the list goes on and on. Some have just taken bribes while others have been socially engineered through endless false accusations spread by legacy and social media all owned and controlled by the billionaires.
Does Trump want to drain the swamp, end the corruption, stop the child and drug trafficking, hold pedophilias responsible for what they have done to children, lower crime rates, and bring prosperity back to America? That is his platform. Did you know poverty is the main driver for crime along with lack of education, a lack of morals and integrity in the student curriculum? Look at the Universities, the number of democrats versus republicans is mind blowing. One of the main goals of socialism is to take over education. Create total dependency of government, offer freebees till those producing the money through taxes stop producing, take away the guns and freedoms when the money runs dry, a perfect formula for tyranny. Did you know Hitler’s party were socialists and Kamala is, lock step in following in all communist genocidal dictators footsteps?
What is the foundation of Kamala’s campaign? Kamala created massive inflation, crime, poverty, weaponized the agencies, diminished freedom, turned the Constitution into toilet paper and gathered together the most corrupt, morally and integrity challenged misfits to govern this country. Her only platform is Orange man bad and word salads with no solutions to the problems her administration created. And now you know the rest of the story. Why I say those voting for Kamala are critically thinking, morally and integrity impaired. The democratic party is morally, integrity and solution bankrupt. Those in fear of Trump are those in fear of being exposed for their decadent criminal behavior, crimes against humanity. You know those billionaire eugenicists, the war and disease profiteers funding her, and those that participated in the Epstein, Diddy parties, actors and musicians giving lectures on morality when they are void of integrity and morality, not your best role models. Then there are those socially engineered by a deceptive media preying on their fears and victim patterns. That pretty much makes up the demon cratic party who is going to save democracy, usher in socialism to save America? They might as well make a flag with a serpent on it saying Sodom and Gomorrah Inc. Those screaming the loudest, those making the false accusations, those practicing lawfare to take away Americans right to choose, those with TDS, what they really fear is being exposed for their own decadent criminal behavior and crimes against humanity. Might was well wear a white sheet and vote for Satanic/Luciferian rule, more corruption, crime, poverty, genocide and division of race, religion, culture and gender if you still support Kamala. Because that is what they have in store for America. I am not saying Republicans don’t need a major house cleaning as well. Right now they are a much better choice for America. For those love and lighters it is going to be really hard to ascend and hold a frequency in a hellish environment. The time to be brutally honest with self and end the denial is NOW.
James Gilliland
The Interplanetary Soul, Dec 15, 6pm, Why you feel you dont belong here. UFO Inq Minds Live Meetup, Elmers Clackamas, 16087 Se 82nd dr. #meetup#discussion#portlandoregon#clackamas#UFO