What you can't see or don't want to see can hurt you, and will be inhaled by you, your children and even your pets! These chemtrails are toxic heavy metals and microbials like covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses and now bird flu) being sprayed on you like roaches from chemtrails that affect your brain, nervous system and immune system. They are activated even more by 5G radiation. Morgellon's disease cases are higher in number in heavily sprayed areas. You need to regularly detox this crap out of your lungs and body. #chemtrails #heavymetals #birdflu #covid19 #geoengineereing What are Chemtrails and what are chemtrails made of? I'm sure you may have seen the constant lines in the sky as airplanes pass overhead. They follow the path of the plane that is spraying them and they stay in the sky over you for hours. They turn the once beautiful blue sky into a nasty hazy pattern that blocks the sun. Are they toxic and how to prevent or detox the heavy metals and vaccines that are being sprayed on you and your family. #chemtrails #contrails #heavymetals #billgates #detox The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies. Confirmation comes from two commercial pilots who know what is happening from close quarters. #chemtrails #contrails #vaccines #billgates #nwo