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My name is Steve Yanke, I go by Steve or Mad on the website for privacy reasons. I am the creator/owner/janitor for StopMediaBiasNow.com

StopMediaBiasNow.com is dedicated to all digital warriors that want to fight against the Mainstream Media.

There are two common misconceptions around the MSM that stop people from fighting back.

First that the MSM is too big and powerful, and we are too small, so why bother? Just shut the F--- up... You have more power than you think..

The second is that the MSM is funded by rich oligarchs like George Soros & Blackrock... While the MSM is OWNED by these scum, it is NOT FUNDED by them... Just the opposite, the rich F--- skim profits off the MSM to fund their other communist activities.

The MSM is FUNDED by the advertisers, and the sauce is on the website. And those advertisers are funded by US...

That is the MSM Achilles heal. The MSM needs advertisers, the advertisers need us....

Boycotting by not watching the MSM is not working and never will. Everyone reading this already boycotts the MSM and that has no effect on the MSM bottom line.

So if we want to effect change in the MSM we must attack their source of funding, the advertisers... But boycotting the advertisers WITHOUT telling the advertisers why we are boycotting them will not work either. The advertisers will never connect the dots and figure out why they lost our business.

If we want to change the MSM we must make them pay for their sins, in the pocket book. And to do that we must boycott the companies and products that run ads on the MSM... But more importantly, we must tell those advertisers why we are not purchasing their products.

StopMediaBiasNow.com makes it easy. A Simple and fast three step process that takes less than 5 min of your time.

The MSM was one of the first institutions to fall in this war. And for good reason, when you control the media, you control the people. If we are going to take our country back, if we are going to Make America Great Again, doesn't it make sense that we are going to have to deal with the media first?

I need help, I need warriors to participate in the website, to help promote the website on all social platforms, to get the movers and shakers within the great awakening to talk about StopMediaBiasNow.com

Who will spend 5 min on the website sending out bulk emails if your efforts go a long way towards saving America from falling to communism?

God Bless all of you, and thank you for your service.

    • I vote with my dollars and haven't had TV service for over 20 years, and never will again, What a brain drain and waste of my time, Alternative media is the media of the future, featuring citizen journalists all over the world. If Youtube censors, then they will move to Rumble, Bitchute, or any other alternative by shear market demand, I like your idea of targeting advertisers as the Left did to Conservatives, but in the end the Billionaires are the only ones with the money.

    • I commend you for your efforts...

      I have many a friend that has done the same. BUT that does not change the fact that when you purchase a product from a company that runs an ad on the MSM, your money is going towards funding the MSM...

      Even if you do not watch them, or subscribe to TV services.

      The great thing about the website is that you don't have to watch the programs to find out who is advertising on the MSM... We/I do it for you.

      But you do have to boycott these companies, and more importantly, TELL those companies why you are not purchasing their products...

      I for one am with you, I don't want my money going towards funding something as evil as the MSM.

      God Bless

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